
Class schedule for the first three lectures

Attendance is required for all students. Students in the in-person section will join from CIF, while students in the online section will join remotely using this Zoom Meeting.

Assignment schedule for the entire semester

In this schedule page, you will find the list of assignments you will have to complete this semester:

  1. L#: These are the PrairieLearn Pre-Lecture Assignments including the pre-recorded lectures and short questions testing concepts introduced in the videos. These PL assessments will also include links to lecture notes, slides and annotations from the lectures. You can also read the relevant content in our online textbook (instead of watching the videos). You will have pre-lecture assignments opening every Tuesday and Thursday. You are encouraged to complete them on the date they appear on the course schedule. However, you can complete both of them for 100% credit by the following Tuesday at 11am CT. You can find all the due dates directly in PrairieLearn.

  2. GA#: These are the PrairieLearn Group Activities to be completed on Tuesdays either during lecture time or at another selected time. Make sure to complete the open PrairieLearn Pre-Lecture Assignments before you meet with your group. You can find a lot more information about the group activities on the Group Activities page.

  3. HW#: These are the PrairieLearn Homework Assigments due on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:59pm CT. These are individual assessments. The schedule indicates when the HW will be open, and the due date for 100% credit. Almost every PrairieLearn Lecture Assignment has a corresponding HW. You are strongly encouraged to complete the PrairieLearn Lecture Assignment before you start your HW. You can find all the due dates directly in PrairieLearn.

  4. MP#: These are the PrairieLearn Machine Problems The schedule indicates when the MPs will be open, and the due date for 100% credit (all at 11:59pm CT). These are individual assessments. You can find all the due dates directly in PrairieLearn.

  5. Q#: These are the PrairieLearn Quizzes that happen from Tuesdays to Thursdays at the CBTF. You can find more instructions in the Quizzes page. The schedule below indicates the content covered in each quiz (corresponding HW assignments) and also the dates when the Practice Quizzes (Q#P) will be open. Practice Quizzes will not count towards your grade (zero credit).

The only required synchronous component of this class are the GAs for section N students. Attendance in the first week of classes is strongly encouraged, since we will be talking about all the logistics of the course, and having a demo for the group work. Thursday lectures are optional (or canceled) and are designated for additional examples.

Semester Progress
Jan May
Week 1
Tue, Jan 21, lecture 1
Syllabus and Intro to CS 357

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L1: Introduction to CS 357 (NOR FOR CREDIT)
L2: Introduction to Python

Also opening today:

HW1: Linear Algebra Review (NOT FOR CREDIT)
HW2: Introduction to Python

Due today:

Thu, Jan 23, lecture 2
Python Intro + mock group work

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L3: Errors, Big-O notation, plots

Also opening today:

HW3: Errors and Big-O

Due today:

Week 2
Tue, Jan 28, lecture 3
GA1: Working with Python (NOT FOR CREDIT)

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L4a: Floating point

Also opening today:

HW4a: Floating point
Q1P: Linear Algebra + Python + Errors

Due today:

HW2: Introduction to Python

Thu, Jan 30, lecture 4

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L4b: IEEE 754 Standard

Also opening today:

HW4b: IEEE 754 Standard

Due today:

HW3: Errors and Big-O

Week 3
Tue, Feb 04, lecture 5
GA2: Floating Point

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L5: Rounding and Cancellation

Also opening today:

HW5: Rounding and Cancellation

Due today:

HW4a: Floating point

Quiz at CBTF starts on Tuesday:

CBTF Q1: Linear Algebra + Python + Errors (HW1-HW3)
Thu, Feb 06, lecture 6
Optional Study Hall: Floating point and rounding

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L6: Taylor Series

Also opening today:

HW6: Taylor Series

Due today:

HW4b: IEEE 754 Standard

Week 4
Tue, Feb 11, lecture 7
GA3: Rounding

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L7: Monte Carlo Methods

Also opening today:

HW7: Monte Carlo Methods
MP1: Odds in a Texas Holdem game
Q2P: Floating Point + Rounding + Taylor Series

Due today:

HW5: Rounding and Cancellation

Thu, Feb 13, lecture 8

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L8: Vectors, Matrices and Norms

Also opening today:

HW8: Matrices and Norms

Due today:

HW6: Taylor Series

Week 5
Tue, Feb 18, lecture 9
GA4: Random Walk

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L9a: Linear system of equations

Also opening today:

HW9: Linear System of Equations

Due today:

HW7: Monte Carlo Methods

Quiz at CBTF starts on Tuesday:

CBTF Q2: Floating Point + Rounding + Taylor Series (HW4-HW6)
Thu, Feb 20, lecture 10

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L9b: LU factorization algorithm

Also opening today:

MP2: Design of a truss system

Due today:

MP1: Odds in a Texas Holdem game

Week 6
Tue, Feb 25, lecture 11
GA5: Applications of Norms

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L10: Sparse matrices

Also opening today:

HW10: Sparse Matrices
Q3P: Monte Carlo, Matrices and Norms, Linsys

Due today:

HW8: Matrices and Norms

Thu, Feb 27, lecture 12
Optional Study Hall: Norms, Linsys

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L11: Conditioning

Also opening today:

HW11: Conditioning

Due today:

HW9: Linear System of Equations

Week 7
Tue, Mar 04, lecture 13
GA6: Linear System of Equations

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L12a: Eigenvalues - Part A

Also opening today:

HW12: Eingenvalues

Due today:

MP2: Design of a truss system

Quiz at CBTF starts on Tuesday:

CBTF Q3: Monte Carlo, Matrices and Norms, Linsys (HW7-HW9)
Thu, Mar 06, lecture 14

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L12b: Eigenvalues - Part B

Also opening today:

Due today:

HW10: Sparse Matrices

Week 8
Tue, Mar 11, lecture 15
GA7: Structural vibrations

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L13: Markov Chains

Also opening today:

HW13: Markov chains
MP3: Ranking basketball teams

Due today:

HW11: Conditioning

Thu, Mar 13, lecture 16
Optional Study Hall: Sparse + Conditioning

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L14: Finite Difference Methods

Also opening today:

HW14: Finite Difference Methods

Due today:

HW12: Eingenvalues

Week 9
Tue, Mar 18

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

Also opening today:

Due today:

Thu, Mar 20

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

Also opening today:

Due today:

Week 10
Tue, Mar 25, lecture 17
GA8: Google Page Rank

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L15a: 1D Nonlinear

Also opening today:

HW15: Nonlinear equations
Q4P: Sparse, Conditioning, Eigs, Markov

Due today:

HW13: Markov chains

Thu, Mar 27, lecture 18
Optional Study Hall: Eigenvalues

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L15b: ND Nonlinear

Also opening today:

Due today:

MP3: Ranking basketball teams

Week 11
Tue, Apr 01, lecture 19
GA9: A hybrid algorithm for root finding

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L16a: 1D Optimization

Also opening today:

HW16: Optimization
MP4: Topology optimization design

Due today:

HW14: Finite Difference Methods

Quiz at CBTF starts on Tuesday:

CBTF Q4: Sparse, Conditioning, Eigs, Markov (HW10-HW13)
Thu, Apr 03, lecture 20

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L16b: ND Optimization

Also opening today:

Due today:

HW15: Nonlinear equations

Week 12
Tue, Apr 08, lecture 21
GA10: Linear regression using optimization

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L17a: Least-Squares (Normal Equations)

Also opening today:

HW17a: Least-squares (Normal Equations)
Q5P: FD, Nonlinear, Optimization

Due today:

Thu, Apr 10, lecture 22
Optional Study Hall: Nonlinear Systems + Optimization

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L18a: SVD

Also opening today:

HW18a: SVD

Due today:

HW16: Optimization
MP4: Topology optimization design

Week 13
Tue, Apr 15, lecture 23
GA11: Pandas and Least-squares

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L17b: Least-Squares (SVD)

Also opening today:

HW17b: Least-squares (SVD)

Due today:

HW17a: Least-squares (Normal Equations)

Quiz at CBTF starts on Tuesday:

CBTF Q5: FD, Nonlinear, Optimization (HW14-HW16)
Thu, Apr 17, lecture 24

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L18b: Other SVD applications

Also opening today:

HW18b: Other SVD applications
MP5: Breast cancer predictions

Due today:

HW18a: SVD

Week 14
Tue, Apr 22, lecture 25
GA12: Fantasy football predictions

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

L19: PCA

Also opening today:

Q6P: Least-squares and SVD

Due today:

HW17b: Least-squares (SVD)

Thu, Apr 24, lecture 26
Optional Study Hall: Linear Least Squares and SVD

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

Also opening today:

Due today:

HW18b: Other SVD applications

Week 15
Tue, Apr 29, lecture 27
GA13: PCA in a soccer dataset

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

Also opening today:

Due today:

MP5: Breast cancer predictions

Quiz at CBTF starts on Tuesday:

CBTF Q6: Least-squares and SVD (HW17-HW18)
Thu, May 01, lecture 28

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

Also opening today:

Due today:


Week 16
Tue, May 06, lecture 29
Tentative end-of-semester event

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

Also opening today:

Due today:

Wed, May 07, lecture 30

Complete your asynchronous lecture today!

Also opening today:

Due today: