Student Support

Discord Server

Join the Discord server


Important course announcements will be posted by the course staff in the #announcements channel. It is your responsibility to check these updates weekly to stay informed.

Content Questions

For assistance with homework, MPs, quizzes, or general questions about the course, please post in the appropriate forum channels on Discord (e.g. hwk-support). Course staff and fellow students will help, but will not provide complete solutions. Do not post your own complete solutions publicly.

Note: We do not debug code via Discord. For debugging assistance, please attend one of our office hours.

Private Concerns

For private matters, use the #private-tickets channel on Discord to initiate a conversation with the course staff or instructor.
Please do not email course staff directly! We use Discord to make sure that all questions are addressed efficiently and accurately.

Support for Group Activities

Online section students can request support during class time via Discord. In-person section students can request support in the classroom.

Requesting Help

If you have a quick question: Create a post in the #ga-support channel on Discord. Course staff will answer questions in the order they were received. There are course staff exclusively assigned to help with these questions in real-time during the GA, so you will receive prompt responses.
If you need more comprehensive support: Join the support voice channel Join to Create New Room in Discord, which will create a separate breakout voice channel for you. Then, join the support queue and include the name of this voice channel in your entry.

Office Hours

Office hours start from week 2, and are available both in-person in the Siebel basement and virtually via Discord.

Schedule Changes: Check Discord for any updates to the office hours schedule before attending.

Using Discord for Online Office Hours: Join the CA's voice channel in the Online Office Hours section on Discord. If the room is full, please try again later.

Office Hours Calendar

Click on an event to see more details!

Happy Hour - hosted by Mariana

Tuesdays 3pm-4pm, Siebel 2213

This is not the "traditional" office hours. This is just a time when I will be at my office to connect with students. We can talk about anything you want: career goals, projects, research, hobbies, big-picture conversations about course content, other courses and programs, weather, food, etc. This is a great opportunity to foster community and connections! I have really enjoyed these happy hours in previous semesters, I hope you have a chance to stop by! Make sure to check Discord for announcements before you go to Siebel, since I may need to cancel or move the scheduled time in some weeks.

If you have specific questions about homework, and need someone to look at your solution and/or code, this is not the best venue for that. We have over 25 office hours per week with course staff that can help you with these type of interactions.

Meet the Course Staff